The band with the eruptive name offers marvelous melodies to immerse yourself in



Mesmerizing melodies and intriguing rhythms, with a true sense for incredibly atmospheric soundscapes wrapped in a progressive cloak — that is VULKAN.

Having started in 2006, the Swedish five-piece did a few recordings under a different name, which later was changed due to the heavier sound they were aiming for, and released two albums: "Mask of Air" (2011) and "Observants" (2016). Their third and current piece, "Technatura", came out in 2020, and deals with the clash of technology and nature in our modern society. 

Musically, they took the best parts of the previous two records and boiled them down into a 60 minute, emotional rollercoaster, throwing the listener deep into the abyss of the unknown, following the battle between good and evil from eruption to insight.

A real gem for prog lovers - Take a seat and enjoy the ride!


Jimmy Bob Lindblad - Vocals, Percussion

Johan Norbäck - Drums

Christian Fredriksson - Guitar

Oscar Patterson - Bass

Olle Edberg - Keyboards


Mask Of Air - 2011

Observants - 2016

Technatura - 2020