Prog at its finest from Greece, music to immerse yourself in



There’s a certain beauty in melancholy, and this Greek band absolutely brings it to the top with their unique, intense compositions. Founded in 2016, with a wide range of influences and love for experimentation, POEM embarked on a sound adventure defining their personal style from the beginning, and have released three albums so far. 

While the line-up saw several changes over the years, the remaining forces behind their marvelous music are guitarist Laurence Bergström as well as singer and guitarist George Prokopiou, whose outstanding voice and expressive performance make each song an intense, highly emotional experience. With a new piece on the horizon, we are curious to hear in which direction they will evolve.  

So better become an attentive listener rather than a passive observer when these four musicians will play at Prog Metal Mania 2025.


George Prokopiou - Vocals, Guitar

Laurence Bergström - Guitar

Stefanos Meletiou - Drums

Panos Antonopoulos - Bass


The Great Secret Show - 2009

Skein Syndrome - 2016

Unique - 2018